Instruction syntax to send VBAN-TXT or VBAM MIDI request

VB-Audio Network Protocol and applications
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Vincent Burel
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Instruction syntax to send VBAN-TXT or VBAM MIDI request

Post by Vincent Burel »

With MacroButtons and other coming application, we tend to unify instruction syntax to send VBAN-TEXT and VBAN-MIDI Request through a simple script (while "vban1", "vban2", etc... are VBAN Stream defined in additional option page).

The current instruction syntax used in MacroButton to send a VBAN-TEXT request is to use a BEGIN_SECTION instruction like this

Bus(0).gain= 0.0;

In the future we will also implement the function style syntax like this (also to fit SendMidi function syntax).

Bus(0).gain= 0.0;

The VBAN-MIDI Instruction syntax is defined with function called "SendMidi":

4x M.I.D.I. Request types are defined (channel 1 to 16):

SendMidi("vban1", "note-on", channel, note, velocity);
SendMidi("vban1", "note-off", channel, note, velocity);
SendMidi("vban1", "ctrl-change", channel, ctrl, value);
SendMidi("vban1", "prg-change", channel, nPrg);

There is also a RAW DATA function to send any M.I.D.I. Message (including sys-ex).

SendMidi("vban1", "data", aa, bb , cc, ee, ff, gg, ...);

NOTE: VBAN-MIDI Request can be converted to physical MIDI output through the application VBAN2MIDI.EXE (installed with Voicemeeter)
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