After a year of testing and almost losing all data in a hard drive accident, I am releasing my very first API tool today.
I presend you VMR_AutoBalancer. <-- New!
It brings some feature for gamers and streamers with it, like:
Autobalance incoming audio from communication tools like Teamspeak, Discord or any ingame voice.
One setting for all voice commincation tools.
Voice activation, so you need only setup VMR_AutoBalancer and set all other communication tools you are using to voiceactivation at 1%.
3 widgets shows mute / unmute of mic, Voicemeeter out and Voicemeeter aux out.
Jingles that played by the recorder turns down if somebody talk and rise when nobody talk to not disturb the communication.
The gate on strip 1 will rise and fall too to prevent echos.
Thats the basics, more later... (have to setup the github page too)
GitHub link:
[Release] VMR_AutoBalancer (in AHK)
[Release] VMR_AutoBalancer (in AHK)
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