VB-Audio Network Protocol and applications
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Post by FUNYOYO »

Hello, I'm looking for a tutorial to use a remote midi controller with the VBAN2MIDI function.
Thank you in advance.
Vincent Burel
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Re: Tuto VBAN2MIDI - Convert MIDI to VBAN MIDI stream

Post by Vincent Burel »

1- connect your controller on PC1 with VBAN2MIDI to manage outgoing and incoming VBAN MIDI STREAM

On the left side, the outgoing stream: MIDI Controller out -> MIDI Input Device -> VBAN2MIDI -> Target IP Address
On the right side, the incoming stream (MIDI feedback) from any IP Address -> VBAN2MIDI -> MIDI output device -> MIDI Controller In.

VBAN2MIDI_PC1.jpg (157.09 KiB) Viewed 35752 times
Vincent Burel
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Re: Tuto VBAN2MIDI - configure Voicemeeter MIDI output stream

Post by Vincent Burel »

2- the MIDI mapping always take in account the incoming VBAN-MIDI stream activated in the VBAN -Dialog BOX (check the name is MIDI1 on transmitter and on receptor side).

You can see incoming MIDI message in VBAN Dialog box and go in MIDI mapping to learn on desired control. There is no option related to incoming VBAN MIDI message in the MIDI mapping Dialog box. "VBAN MIDI Input" in MIDI mapping dialog box is an info box related to VBAN MIDI outgoing stream and should be labelled " VBAN MIDI Output" instead.

VBAN2MIDI_PC2b.jpg (301.96 KiB) Viewed 35721 times

For the MIDI Feedback, you simply have to configure the outgoing VBAN MIDI stream in the VBAN Dialog box. and select "MIDI OUT" to send the MIDI feedback to the PC1
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Post by FUNYOYO »

Super Merci.
Première phase résolut merci encore de ton retour. A la suite de ton explication. J'ai, dans un premier temps réussi à contrôler simplement ton application sur le 2eme pc à partir d'un contrôleur midi sur le PC 1. Reste maintenant à approfondir les détails.
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