Master Section BUS mute

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Master Section BUS mute

Post by JAXi »

Is it possible? Without having to use gain sliders to -60? I just stepped into the bus selecting, it seemed so hard to understand a while ago, but now I feel like it's the way to go. I'll try to explain my routing below and why I need to use the mute button instead of gain sliders.

I have 5 different "real" devices hooked into A1-A5 (each controlled with bus select, using F keys to select A1-A5 from F2 to F5)
I have my OBS/Any recording software audio in B2 (which is controlled by bus select, and I'm using F1 to select it)

Now. If I want to for example mute my mic on IN#1 for myself, I have to use the select bus thing to first select the device I'm currently using and then taking the gain down to -60.

With the mute button I could just mute the strip for the bus output without having to touch the gain levels. As there's no way (at least that I know of) to return the gain to the previous setting. At the moment it resets to -25 which isn't loud, but if I want to lower it in some cases if for example using a loud guitar or something like that as an input, it'd be better to just hit the mute and leave the gain alone without it reverting to specific value.

Dunno. I'm so damn lost. Why doesn't the strip mute work with bus select though?

I could use the A1-A5 to selectively mute a strip, but as I said I have 5 devices and I don't use them all at the same time.

If I set a macro to:


I can't use that with a different device. I'd need to set million macros for A1-A5 instead of just using one mute button.

And uhm... The problem with remembering macros is that if it remembered the last state I could possibly use the gain thing to return to previous position. I remember few years ago there was talking about making macros remember their last state (or something like that).
Vincent Burel
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Re: Master Section BUS mute

Post by Vincent Burel »

sorry but i don't understand your problem, could you express it in 3 lines ? stay focused on one problem only.
this forum is expected to give reference solution to problem/issue, but this must be clear and well identified.
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