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Windows crash BSOD

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:25 am
by andro_bernard
Rare to see BSOD now. Unhappily, Potato causes it quickly and demonstrably and reliably after the latest Windows 10 update December 8, 2020—KB4592438.

The fix is to remove Potato.

The BSOD makes it hard to see what it is but VAIO3 is certainly the matter mentioned as the cause there.

Sorry to report this. I was enjoying Potato until now. Hopefully this can be addressed quickly.

Is there a formal place to register bug reports? In any case it will surely become apparent to other users rapidly, as there is nothing rare or unusual about my Windows 10 system.

Re: Windows crash BSOD

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:55 pm
by andro_bernard
Cautiously, I reinstalled Potato after the having fully removed, and now back to stability. Thank goodness.

But clearly there is some sort of issue with the current update from Windows 10. I see there is a longish thread about this topic on the forum, but not very up to date.

Re: Windows crash BSOD

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:29 pm
by Vincent Burel
yes, in rare case, some BSOD are reported with the error DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
and recently one with the error: PFN_LIST_CORRUPT

The best way to fix this issue is to remove this problem is to re-install our audio driver from scratch:

Recommeded re-installation step by step:
1- remove all USB audio device + REBOOT.
2- de-install VB-CABLE one by one + REBOOT
3- de-install Voicemeeter + REBOOT
4- check your remaining audio devices are working ok.
5- check there is no presence of our virtual audio driver in Windows Device Manager (in both sections: multimedia controller and audio input output).
6- re-install VB-CABLE and Voicemeeter one by one , REBOOT after each operation, check your device list in Windows Sound Dialog box.
7- when all is re-installed, re-plug your USB audio device. check again your default playback and recording device
8- Run Voicemeeter and check systray option. Audio should work again correctly.

Anyway your VB-CABLE or Voicemeeter VAIO's must appear like on the picture below for Playback and Recording Devices. Otherwise you should re-install them correctly.