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Bug: VBAN txt command Button[i].State

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:19 am
by crixionz
I think there's a bug when using Button[ì].State = 1.

When I do Button[5].State = 1 from a VM Macro Button, it works as expected and the 5. Macro button is pressed.
However, when I send this command via VBAN, the action performed is actually Bus[5].Sel = 1.

I'm assuming VM's 5. button is targeted instead of VM Macro's 5. button, but I'm sure you already know :D
No big deal, I don't think anybody noticed yet and it doesn't break my setup! No rush. I just noticed it and wanted to help. 8-)
Thank you for developing Voicemeeter, it's great! 8-)

Re: Bug: VBAN txt command Button[i].State

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:23 pm
by Vincent Burel
yes, you missed the "Command" prefix:
Command.Button.State = 1

The syntax interpreter is optimized and uses just some letters to identify the command, so
Bus.Sel = 1; could be written by "Banana.Selection = 1;"

Re: Bug: VBAN txt command Button[i].State

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:16 pm
by crixionz
Ohhh, I see, thank you!
My bad, I didn't read the documentation properly and only paid attention to this example:
Untitled1.png (27.57 KiB) Viewed 35976 times
And thank you for explaining how the interpreter
works! :D cool stuff