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Different sample-rates for inout/output = resample on the fly

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:52 am
by mg2c
Tricky problem: MacBook Pro M1's soundcard is limited to 96/24. I need to open 192k/24bit projects in Pro Tools without attaching an external interface. Could any of VB-Audio's "cables" act as some sort of "intermediate" and act as a playback device for Pro Tools (accepting 192/24), resample the signal to 92/24 (or anything else below) and connect its output to MacBook's soundcard? So basically: tricking both the input and the output into accepting the respective signal?

Re: Different sample-rates for inout/output = resample on the fly

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:17 am
by Vincent Burel
you may try it, because the VB-CABLE implements an internal SRC to make the conversion on the fly.
but on MAC, we have no case where the input samplerate can be different than the output samplerate , could you ?