Toggling delay via AHK

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Toggling delay via AHK

Post by dibbs25 »


I am trying to add a hotkey to toggle the delay function in Voicemeeter Potato. I am using the helpful script from viewtopic.php?t=502&sid=bc10eaa56ed1e0c ... e8841b909e to do the login, and have populated the extra functions mentioned below.

With delay off, I have tried:

DllCall(VMR_FUNCTIONS["SetParametersW"], "WStr", "Fx.Delay.On", "Int", 1, "Int")

This returns -4 and delay stays off

DllCall(VMR_FUNCTIONS["SetParameterStringA"], "AStr", "Fx.Delay.On", "Int", 1, "Int")

This does not return any value and delay stays off

DllCall(VMR_FUNCTIONS["SetParameterStringW"], "WStr", "Fx.Delay.On", "Int", 1, "Int")

This returns -3 and delay stays off.

Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
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