Spectralissime Version History

Spectralissime, High Precision Spectrum Analyzer.
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Vincent Burel
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Spectralissime Version History

Post by Vincent Burel »

Spectralissime Version
Qualification : release
-MONITORING: when selecting ASIO driver as source, output monitoring was automatically activated, even if Monitoring Check Box was OFF.
-FAST ANALYSIS: use same frequencies than RTA analysis (with 60, 120 and 240 bands).
-TIMING: timing menu offers FPS (integration time) with standard values: Slow = 1000ms, Fast = 125ms et Impulse = 35ms.
-WEIGHTING: Weighting menu allows selecting Z (flat) or A-Weighting
-Weighting Letter is displayed left to the analysis name (A or Z).
-MONITORING is made to listen the signal being analyzed (A, B, A+B, A-B) including the Weighting.
-WINDOW POSITION is now stored in the registry to display Spectralissime application on the same place with the same size on next launch.
-RED CURSOR POSITION: was not recalled correctly in some case (isophonic scale , 20 dB min / 100 dB max).
-Mouse position and mouse line level is now displayed also when moving green or red cursor.
-OCTAVE Frequency Scale use background color 4,2,0 (instead of 2,1,0).
-OPTION : Level Alert On Peak , display a complete bar in red or just the part above the red cursor.

Spectralissime Version
Qualification : release
-ANALYSIS MENU: precise analysis label with octave unit.
-ISOPHONIC SCALE: red peak threshold is now following isophonic curve (like yellow / green threshold).
-ISOPHONIC+MUSIC: Right scale display music level between 10 dB SPL.
Vincent Burel
Site Admin
Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:01 pm

Spectralissime Version History (MARS 2022)

Post by Vincent Burel »

Spectralissime Version
Qualification : release
-UPDATE with last correction to different VB-Audio components and libraries, done in the 2 past years, especially audio device management improvement and bug corrections (WDM & KS monitoring white noise bug).
-MENU->Settings: Always Visible option
-MENU->File: Start or Stop Audio Engine.
-AUDIO Settings: VBAN section now displays number of detected incoming streams.
-KEYBOARD Shortcut:
1. F5: Reset Average Levels
2. F6: reset Max Levels
3. ‘A’ ‘Z’ to change weighting
4. ‘S’ Stop or restart Audio engine
5. ‘R’ ‘P’ to change RMS/PEAK response.
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