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Potato and ASIO not working

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 1:24 am
by entspeak
I’m currently running VM Banana with my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 using ASIO and it works pretty well (Still figuring out how to get it working with Reaper). However, when I try the same ASIO setup in Potato, the output doesn’t work. Inputs work fine... just no output.

Is there something more that I need to do with Potato than I did with Banana?

Re: Potato and ASIO not working

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:49 pm
by entspeak
Sorted the issue with Reaper (Virtual ASIO and inserts) in Banana. But, still can't seem to get the A1 ASIO output to work in Potato. Inputs work... just not the output.

Re: Potato and ASIO not working

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:54 am
by Vincent Burel
could you post a screenshot of your Voicemeeter and its system settings dialog box to let us see your configuration
and explain what audio path is not working as expected.