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by RMCholewa
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:49 pm
Forum: Voicemeeter
Topic: Voicemeeter and Statics, Stuttering, Crackling sound & Choppy audio
Replies: 41
Views: 894837

Re: Voicemeeter and Statics, Stuttering, Crackling sound

Update from last config: although it seems ok for me (everything sounds ok), people on the other side of the zoom meeting listen to cracking sound. Restaring the audio engine solves the problem, but it is coming back after while (20, 30 seconds).
by RMCholewa
Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:32 pm
Forum: Voicemeeter
Topic: Voicemeeter and Statics, Stuttering, Crackling sound & Choppy audio
Replies: 41
Views: 894837

Re: Voicemeeter and Statics, Stuttering, Crackling sound

Hi there, I did the following changes: zoom microphone points to cable D; zoom speakers point to Voicemeter VAIO AUX Input; OBS#1 (Instagram) and OBS#2 (Youtube) both getting audio from: Cable D (voicemeter hardware input 1 assigned to BM800 USB microphone -> A5); Voicemeter VAIO (standard Windows 1...
by RMCholewa
Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:11 am
Forum: Voicemeeter
Topic: Voicemeeter and Statics, Stuttering, Crackling sound & Choppy audio
Replies: 41
Views: 894837

Re: Voicemeeter and Statics, Stuttering, Crackling sound

Hi there, First, I have to say that Voicemeter potato is a dream-come-true app. I always wanted more control over sound on my Windows PC. But I am facing some problems described here. Already tried lots of different configs and settings but the end result is the same: audio is ok at first but it sta...