Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10/11 update (JUN 2023)

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Vincent Burel
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Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10/11 update (JUN 2023)

Post by Vincent Burel »

In some cases, WIN10 or WIN11 update can bring some problems and disturb audio driver installation. In fact all the audio stack can be impacted by a WIN10 update and make you PC totally unusable from a day to another, mainly because audio driver could have been badly re-installed and some windows audio parameters could have been changed.

Audio format enumeration / audio stack busy
After audio driver installation (so possibly after a windows update), Windows can enumerate all audio format on all audio Pins (system, offload, loopback) and consequently disturb application willing to connect to audio device in the first minutes after Windows Startup.

INSTALLATION PROBLEM with non PNP audio driver or old WIN7 driver

The problem has been fully identified: Windows Update is not able to re-install NON-PNP Audio Drivers correctly (since 1998 - by design). The driver installation procedure is not using the driver Hardware ID as unique identifier in the installation process, and consequently is merging driver properties and pins with possible previous installed drivers (USB devices are not impacted).

The problem is there since VISTA, this is why we ask to our users to REBOOT after installation and REBOOT after de-installation - to let the system finalize the process correctly) but WIN10/11 automatic update, can re-install audio driver at once, and create a complete mess in the audio stack.


You may report the problem to Microsoft with the title: "Windows Update cannot re-install non-PNP Audio driver correctly" and precise your specific problem in the body: something like: "after WIN10 update sound is not stable anymore" or "impossible to select a given device [device name] " or "this device [device name] does not work anymore".

Then you can generate a PNP file (containing information on your installed devices) for Microsoft developer team and attach it to your e-mail.
1- run the command prompt in administrator mode.
2- type: pnputil.exe /export-pnpstate myfile.pnp /force (the export process can take a minute).
3- get back the pnp file (that should be created in the current directory) to attach it to your e-mail (might be zipped first)

Direct Email: mateer@microsoft.com

Other Microsoft Report Procedure explained by Matthew van Eerde:
https://matthewvaneerde.wordpress.com/2 ... dback-hub/
https://matthewvaneerde.wordpress.com/2 ... ioned-way/

Twitter Discussion Reference: https://twitter.com/no_identd/status/13 ... 1195393024

After each WIN10 or WIN11 update, we recommend to check your windows audio configuration: what is your default playback device and what is your default recording device (and default communication devices too if needed) and if our audio devices have kept the same name and icon according driver name... It seems windows audio driver installation can merge audio pins randomly when re-installing audio driver. more info about our VAIO's checking: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=688

With WIN10 April 2020 Update (version 2004) still bring potential problem in audio stack since it can re-install driver badly... The solution is to re-install our Voicemeeter and virtual audio cable as explaine below...

With WIN10 April 2018 Update comes new Windows options related to Microphones or any recording device:
Go to your Privacy Settings for Microphone (and camera) and switch the main switch to "on" if it is set to "off"

With WIN10 October 2018 Update the default audio format of our virtual audio cable could have been changed to 8000 Hz Mono !?! we don't know why, but we recommend to change it in 44100 Hz Stereo (in Windows Control Panel / Sound Dialog box -> Properties / Advanced Tab).

With Win10 version 20H2: MME Voicemeeter devices can be show in device list for Voicemeeter 32bits (registry access rights has been changed for RegEnumKey function apparently) - willbe fixed in next Voicemeeter update (MARCH 2021).
WindowDefaultAudioFormatSettings.gif (92.77 KiB) Viewed 874382 times
After WIN10 or Win11 update, if you get problem in the sound (stability problem) or you get strange behavior with audio application (bad audio, frozen app), or with device (the device cannot be selected anymore in Voicemeeter) we recommend to re-install Voicemeeter and our Virtual Cable by the following steps:

1- unplug all USB audio device + REBOOT (to restart without USB audio device connected).
2- De-install VB-CABLE one by one + REBOOT
3- De-install Voicemeeter + REBOOT
4- Check your remaining audio devices are working ok.
5- Check there is no presence of our virtual audio driver in Windows Device Manager (in both sections: multimedia controller and audio input output).
6- Re-install VB-CABLE and Voicemeeter one by one , REBOOT after each operation, check your device list in Windows Sound Dialog box.
7- When all is re-installed, re-plug your USB audio device. check again your default playback and recording device
8- Run Voicemeeter and check systray option. Audio should work again correctly.

9- Check that Voicemeeter Devices are correctly named and displayed with right icon:
VBAudioVirtualAudioPlaybackDevicesList.jpg (45.69 KiB) Viewed 875314 times
10 - ReStart Voicemeeter.
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Re: Voicemeeter problem after WIN10 update

Post by zapoqx »

Thanks for the heads up. I am probably gonna reinstall it anyways right now as the icons are completely changed over after the update. Also, not sure if its my sound drivers or what, but my mic that I recently got is now overly sensitive, even with using the realtek noise suppression.
Vincent Burel
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Re: Voicemeeter problem after WIN10 update

Post by Vincent Burel »

yes, if our icons have been replaced by generic icons, it means a process has re-installed our driver without using our procedure.
And this also can bring problems, so it's better to re-install Voicemeeter and VB-CABLE in this particular case.
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by LoneStar »

I needed to do a clean reinstall of Windows 10 which included an update to Build 15063 (Creator's Update). The Macro Buttons no longer respond with this new install. I do not know if it is a Windows problem or I have the button coding wrong.

This is one of my macro button instructions...

Command.Load="D:\Game Stuff\VoiceMeeter\VoiceMeeter Banana\VoiceMeeter Banana Profiles\1-ONLINE-HEADSET ONLY-BoS-TS3-ShadowPlay.xml";

The above was working button instructions a copied and saved to notepad prior to reinstalling Windows. The macro buttons were working with Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Is there something I need to change to get the Macro Buttons working again?

Thank You,
Vincent Burel
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by Vincent Burel »

you can test macro button with a simple function like
to see if it works generally speaking...
and check your disk/file path (if wrong, it will do nothing).
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by LoneStar »

Pasted the functions...


into the "Request for Initial State" box. When I select the button or enter the assigned hotkey, the button flashed and nothing occurs...audio not muted.

Rechecked the disk/file path. It is correct. Below is the disk/path that I copied with Shift+copy "Copy as Path".

"D:\Game Stuff\VoiceMeeter\VoiceMeeter Banana\VoiceMeeter Banana Profiles\1-ONLINE-HEADSET ONLY-BoS-TS3-ShadowPlay.xml"

Thank You
Vincent Burel
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by Vincent Burel »

well, the first goal is to check that MAcroButtons app works
so make a regular test:

REQUEST for button ON: strip(0).mute=1
REQUEST for button OFF: strip(0).mute=0

which version are you using ?
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by LoneStar »

No need to go any further. The problem did involve VoiceMeeter or Windows 10. It was me. I pasted the functions in the wrong box. I pasted the functions in the "Request for Initial State:" box. The correct box should be "Request for Button ON / Trigger IN:" box.

Sorry I had to bother you with my dumb mistake.

Thank You,
Ron Mcpherson
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by Ron Mcpherson »

i have had a problem with voicemeeter banana since the April 2018 win10 update in which all of of wireless devices disconnect from the computer network and the wireless mouse and keyboard have lag. If the program is active, this interference occurs and wireless devices drop their connection to the network and when i close the program, all the wireless devices reconnect and are happy. I unstalled and reinstalled the cables and voicemeeter banana as per the instructions above but the problem remains. Any additional suggestions?
Thanks in advance
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Re: Voicemeeter or Audio problem after WIN10 update

Post by emgotcha77 »

Hello everyone.

I already wrote some stuff about my April-Update problems on twitter.

Here again the whole story:

For all my inputs in Voicemeeter Banana i see an error message in "System settings / Options":
- for WDM: Failed to Open Input Device: pAudioClient->Initialize return error -2147024891 (0x80070005)
- for MME: Failed to Open Input Device: Function waveInOpen failed: Undefined external error.

KS inputs work, for some unknown reason :?:

Outputs work, whatever mode i use.

I tried step 1-6 + restart, already, mutliple times.

What really puzzles me is that KS-inputs seem to work and all outputs are ok too...

Any log files i can attach / send you? I searched a little bit in C: but couldn't find anything that looks like a VB*.log .

Oh, installed version is
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