INFO About Potato Challenge / Response Code

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Vincent Burel
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INFO About Potato Challenge / Response Code

Post by Vincent Burel »

Voicemeeter Potato License is given for a single PC only by a Challenge/Response code.
The Challenge Code, given by the application, is expected to be different on each computer.
(Challenge code is pending on your CPU / Motherboard and in some cases on Windows or Voicemeeter installation).

WARNING: RE-INSTALLING WINDOWS CAN CHANGE YOUR CHALLENGE CODE. (even on the same computer with same hard disk)
So, think to store your footprint before re-installing Windows! (see how below).

So, think to use your footprint to get back the same challenge code for all users or computer name change.

In case of Challenge Code change or for a second PC, each license is offering a REGEN option to generate a second Response code.
Go in your webshop account "My License" page and click on REGEN to enter your new Challenge code and get a new response code.
In case of problem, contact us by the webshop form. We cannot help you on this question, out of the context of the webshop.

This licensing has been designed as an alternative to SAAS model, simpler and cheaper for everyone, it is pending on PC hardware / Installation process only. Instead of obliging you to stay connected to internet to pay every month, our activation code stays valid until you decide to change your PC. And with our donationware model, you can select the smallest price to renew your license. (Internet is not needed to activate your license).

With Voicemeeter Potato version, The Challenge code is expected to stay the same, even after a Windows update.
To secure the Windows re-installation (possibly on new harddisk) Potato version allows to export your computer Footprint on external disk or USB key.

With Voicemeeter Potato version, The Challenge code is different and is starting by"G".
So you have to use a REGEN to activate your license on this version (all End Users get a REGEN for free on their webshop account - JUN 2024).

For Multiple USERs on the same PC, The Challenge code can also be different for each user, Then you can also use the FOOTPRINT function to get the same Challenge Code than on first License Activation.

1- Save the footprint before re-installing windows (Right Click on Challenge Code).
2- reinstall Windows and all components, and install Voicemeeter.
3- if the challenge code is different, import your previously saved footprint (enter your e-mail first).
(should work if the CPU + Motherboard are the same).
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Vincent Burel
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Potato Challenge Code unexpected change

Post by Vincent Burel »

before the version the challenge code could be unstable and change for different reasons:
Windows functions used to get hardware information can give different result on 32bit or 64bit OS also the result can be different on Voicemeeter Potato 64bits verson than on 32 bits version. Finally we also see some registry information change on Win10 update or user change that could have been a part of the problem. But the last version is expected to fix all these issues, and the REGEN offered on last December 5th 2020 is also there to help you to solve it.

If you think you got an unexpected change on your Challenge code, we can study your issue thanks to the Voicemeeter_ActivationLog.dat located in the folder "My Documents \ Voicemeeter".

This is also possible to compile all your activation history in a single log file if you save it before re-installing windows and restore it after:
1- before re-installing windows: store the file Voicemeeter_ActivationLog.dat (which is in "My Documents \ Voicemeeter" folder) in external disk.
2- After re-installing Windows: recreate the folder "Voicemeeter" in "My Documents" directory and copy the previously stored Voicemeeter_ActivationLog.dat in...
3- install Voicemeeter Potato again.

To let us analyze why the Challenge Code could change without reason, send to us the Voicemeeter_ActivationLog.dat file by the webshop contact form:
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Re: INFO About Potato Challenge / Response Code

Post by KU1T »

How do I save/export (and later import) "footsprint" specifically ? I am just getting ready to nuke my Win10 install and start it all over again, on this same machine and would like to be able to reuse same credentials.

Still like Potato - using it with Motu 4 for my Ham radio station.


Vincent Burel
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Re: INFO About FootPrint (Potato Activation Code)

Post by Vincent Burel »

You can export footprint on a activated license only as the picture shows in a previous message above.
you may store this footprint on an external disk or USB key.

Then after having re-installed your PC, Windows, driver... and finally Voicemeeter Potato.
if you have not the same challenge code, you may import the previously stored footprint (right click on Challenge code field) to get back your previous challenge code (fitting your current response code).

STEP BY STEP, you must:
1- Enter the same e-mail address before importing the footprint.
2- Import the footprint
3- Enter your previous Response code.
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