thank you mr VB.
I downloaded the new VM setup and in 20 minutes i got it to work. There was abit of luck because it was hard to even understand why it work, but with luck i made it work much sooner.
Now i can automatically d
ecrease the volume of "game sounds" when i or my friend on discrod speak OR play music on either in OBS or through browser.
Also have mics and chat
decrease the volume of music that is fading down the game's sounds.
And with the new command, the game sounds dont fade themselves in as long as there is music coming through.
I combined both my voice and discords voice in "A4 output" which has VB-audio cable assigned to it.
Brought that Audio cable into strip 0, have it as a triger source. so both discord and my mikies send sound to "strip 0"
Have the "strip 0" fade down Game and Media inputs separately , so two macro buttons there, activate at the same time and fade down "game" and "media" strips
Also have that "strip 0"(which include my voice and discords's) Fade down "Media" separately while also disables the trigger that fades down both "Game".
note: If i did not disable the trigger that fades "game" down , it would allow the game sounds come back onto the existing "music" as soon as the the "strip 0" went silent.
The trick occurs on the "Media Trigger" button which disables the game fader.
Hah! tested it for two hours, did everything i can to break it but it seems to be working quite well atm.
I wonder if will be able to explain is with pictures and stuff but i am not sure if anyone would something like this...
Thank you again Mr. VB! , your software is inspirational!