So... here's a little request for convention. I don't often count "() Aux 3" ...
For Voice Meeter Potato it might make more sense to create virtual inputs "1, 2 and 3" as well as virtual outputs "1, 2 and 3" ...
They could also be A, B and C. But "blank" "Aux" and "3" make it more hard to think about in drop-downs in other applications and whatnot.
Counting () Aux 3?
Re: Counting () Aux 3?
Really... nothing... crickets (triggers soundboard).
Consider, BTW, the confusion in the sound device dropdowns of things if you have a bunch of these things installed. Top that with the fact that you have to parse different formats to differentiate between them ... and it's quite hard to do quickly and accurately.
Consider, BTW, the confusion in the sound device dropdowns of things if you have a bunch of these things installed. Top that with the fact that you have to parse different formats to differentiate between them ... and it's quite hard to do quickly and accurately.