Request about Potatoe

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Request about Potatoe

Post by piflyon »

Hello there !
I use Potatoe on Windows 10 and I'm very happy with it. It is powerful and easy to understand (except for the VB-Cables names for which I wrote a request in the appropriate forum).
Congratulations for this wonderful work, I can't stop promoting Potatoe around me :lol:

I have small requests about Potatoe, after beeing a user for about 2 months :

Important, I guess :
1- Would you consider to always display the name of each track ? Currently, it is below the fader, when the fader is down, the name disappears. Or maybe place the track's name between the vumeter & the fader ?

2- Could you remove the opening browser link placed at the middle top of Potatoe (on the little buddy) ? Many times, when I want to move its window, I grab the middle of the title bar and it opens a browser with Voicemeeter's homepage. When your are busy working, this is really uncool. Or maybe could you put this link on the "Potatoe" logo, which is not in the center. Or maybe could you remove the link if Potatoe is registered.

3- The option "Limit Gain To 0db" in the MENU should definitivly be placed or repeated in the MIDI Mapping setting page. I had to search insanely in forums to find this setting. If you need to keep it in the global Menu, please place it in the settings section of the menu, not in the key shortcuts section ! I was really wondering if that option existed before I read it was misplaced. If this setting applies to something else than MIDI, at least repeat this setting in the MIDI panel please. If not easy, a simple message at the bottom of the MIDI settings panel would surely help e.g. "To limit max gain to 0db, enable the option in the global MENU".

4- On the right part (Hardware Out), just above the sliders, below the mute button, could you "light up" the "short names" of the tracks, I mean the little A1,A2....B1,B2,B3. It would be more ergonomic lit in red/Green (Working/Not Working) as, in Potatoe, what is not lit is to consider beeing not activated (which is perfect).

Less important but could be cool :
5- Beeing able to resize the window : Potatoe does not fit in a little screen (720p, 1280x720). I have a spare screen that I could use to keep Potatoe always on, but it does not fit in.

6- A KEY shortcut to wake up Potatoe on screen. I mean setting a key to make potatoe show itself/ Hide itself (like it does with mouse when reduced in the tray/task bar).

I hope you'll enjoy the feedback, hoping that I did not ask redundant things :D
Thank you.
I use Potatoe on Windows 10
Vincent Burel
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Re: Request about Potatoe

Post by Vincent Burel »

1- input name is also displayed on top of the strip. we see no place for BUS.
2- yes, good idea.
3- we note it.
4- we note it.
5- not planned
6- I guess this can be done by the MacroButton with instruction: Command.Show = 1 / 0;

thanks for your feedback.
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Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:26 pm

Re: Request about Potatoe

Post by piflyon »

Merci Vincent pour votre attention.
- Pour le point 1, effectivement je n'avais pas vu qu'il était aussi en haut. Il faut dire que quand je règle le fader, je regarde... le fader :D .
- Pour le point 5 je m'en doutais un peu ;) l'affichage ne doit pas être vectoriel.
- Pour le point 6, excellent, je n'y avais pas pensé. C'est fait ! :D

Je me pose une question, je la pose ici même si c'est hors sujet : Est-ce que Macro Buttons est développé par vous-même ou est-ce une application tierce ? Car j'aimerai demander une possibilité d'action : Lancer une requête HTTP locale, genre
GET http://localhost:1234/?item1=salut&item2=toto (localhost qui renverra juste un réponse true/false pour le bouton).

Merci et bravo encore pour Potato, dont même le nom est cool. :lol: (Je viens de m'apercevoir que Potato n'avait pas de E à la fin, oups)
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