Voicemeeter banana V2.0.5.3
Macrobuttons setting
Volume decrease is exactly the same except for being "VOL -"
Using the built in option to "Hook volume keys (For level output A1)" works just fine for me. But if i try to use the above settings for macrobuttons it is very unstable.
With certain applications focused (For example Teamspeak 3) the macrobuttons "Exclusive key" doesn't work at all, even though the voicemeeter "hook volume keys" option does work.
Sometimes the macrobuttons hook stop responding completely no matter what application is focused, i have to shut down and restart macrobuttons for this functionality to return.
I am unticking the "hook volume keys" option when i try to use the macrobuttons hook.
Changing the "exclusive key" on/off doesn't fix it either
Is there any way to choose what to hook my volume keys to within voicemeeter bypassing the use of macro buttons? - can i suggest this as an option in a future version since we already have a choice between A1 and HI1.
Any idea how i can fix my issue?