ASIO Driver Tester

MT32-Sound Pad Lite
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Vincent Burel
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ASIO Driver Tester

Post by Vincent Burel »

contains 2x applications, one in 32bits to test 32bits ASIO interface, one in 64bits to test 64bits ASIO interface


1- Run the application (it can take some seconds to appear because allocating a lot of memory for additionl test).
2- Just Select the ASIO Driver to test in the Menu -> ASIO Device.
3- Check it is running (buffer counter runs).
4- wait some minutes or hours (pending on what kind of test you want to perform).

(DSP Load & MEM Load menu are for additional specific stability test).
ASIOTestScreenShot.jpg (129.92 KiB) Viewed 82557 times
Then you can copy the TEXT as TEST Report , or make a screenshot.
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Re: ASIO Driver Tester

Post by TheVoice »

Thanks for posting this. With my Behringer interface and 9-10 year old PC, I had to run the buffer at maximum size with each sample rate/bit depth combination so as not to have any 10% errors. Question: How well our setup performs with this test will be determined by both the audio interface hardware & drivers along with how powerful our computer is ??
Vincent Burel
Site Admin
Posts: 2129
Joined: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:01 pm

Re: ASIO Driver Tester

Post by Vincent Burel »

Callback timing error can be up to 30 or even 50% without causing problem (if the DSP load is < 30%).

The problem comes surely when the callback timing is more than 100%. In this case Voicemeeter for example could not synchronize virtual ASIO driver to this ASIO driver (NOV 2022 Version should more support callback timing instability).

In this program, there is also additional processing and memory test to increase the DSP load and check the stability of your system to process real time audio. Typically you can charge your CPU up to 20% and let it run during 24h to see if the CPU load is stable, and generate no alert (will be in log).

We did this application when Windows 10 came with buggy memory management:
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