UI question

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UI question

Post by KU1T »

Howdy, and thanks for letting me in.

First - big kudos for spectacular software. It shines really with a great UI, and scalability and features. That is something to enjoy and support. Big bravo for that.

I am not a musician, but techie, audioholic and amateur radio operator. Currently assembling integration of radio (with analog ins and outs, the model I am using does not offer built-in USB audio device); analog mic(s), computer based software for digital modes and prerecorded audio prompts for longer operations. I have seen at least two other hams around here, so waving hand at them.

Computer is MacBookPro touchbar, running win10.

Question 1: What is preferred audio interface - where preferred means easiest to integrate and stable? We do not need 20-20000kHz band in radio, we are much closer to phone quality - (300-3500 Hz); stability of hardware and software and ease of integration with Banana or Potato is more important.
Need at least 4 x 4 - 2 mics, 2 channel from the rig for input, 2 channel out to the rig, 2 channel for monitor. Looking at Steinberg UR44c, Mottu M4, Behringer UMC404HD. Any recommendation which interface is stable and easy to integrate via ASIO ? Am I missing some other majic interface I have not heard off ?

Question 2, purely cosmetical:
While playing with setup, specifically virtual inputs, I see that some software - Spotify for example - shows only on the assigned VI; other software (WinWarbler, a radio decoder/encoder receiving and sending audio) once it is started, it shows on all 3 Virtual inputs. Is it correct ? How do I get it only to show on assigned interface ?
Potato-3ww1.jpg (172.3 KiB) Viewed 3335 times
As you can see, WinWarbler shows in all 3 virtual inputs.. and I spent last 2 days trying to restrict it to 1; reset/rebuild configuration, rebooted few times, connected, disconnected things - and I am stuck. Mercy, please :-)

Best regards, and thanks again for superb software !
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Joined: Fri May 01, 2020 7:25 pm

Re: UI question

Post by Andres »

Hi. The application list of Voicemeeter Potato reflects the state of Windows Volume Mixer for each virtual input device. There are other topics in this forum which discuss this issue. See for example: viewtopic.php?p=3734
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:13 pm

Re: UI question

Post by KU1T »

Andres, thank you very much for the reply. As long as it is cosmetic, I can live with it; there are larger fishes to fry.
Thanks for the great product !

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