Automatically muting channels?

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Automatically muting channels?

Post by EdK »


I need to find a solution during the next 24 hours.

I have a situation where I have peoples voices coming from Zoom (via virtual input) and being output to speakers in a room. In the same room I have real microphones to pickup the voices of the people in the room and being output to Zoom (so they can hear what's taking place).

In Voicemeeter Potato I'm currently setup this way-

INPUT: Hardware input 1 (microphones) and Virtual input 1 (Zoom session)
OUTPUT: Hardware output A1 (speakers) and Hardware output A2 (Zoom session) via virtual cable

Hardware Input 1 being routed to A2 (Zoom) only.
Virtual input 1 being routed to A1 (speakers) only.

The people in Zoom need to hear what is taking place in the room with the microphones and the people in the room with the microphones (and speakers) need to hear the people in Zoom.

That much I have working. Unfortunately, the microphones are also picking up the Zoom people's voices coming from the speakers. I know I probably shouldn't be doing that as it can cause feedback, but it is necessary. I have the volume levels of each balanced enough to avoid that.

The resulting 'mix' (hardware and virtual inputs) are being sent to OBS for streaming via a virtual output channel (B3). However, when listening to the stream, I can hear the people from Zoom being picked up by the microphones in the room which obviously causes some 'echo'.

If I mute the microphones while the Zoom folks are speaking, everything is fine (no echo).

What I'd like to be able to do is automatically mute the microphones whenever Zoom input is occurring above a particular threshold. Basically a gate but with the added function of muting the microphones at the same time. Then when the level is below the threshold, unmute the microphones.

Is this possible or should I be using a different approach?

Thanks! Ed
Vincent Burel
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Re: Automatically muting channels?

Post by Vincent Burel »

you may try to use AUTO-Ducking functions in MacroButtons
(see user manual for that).
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:40 am

Re: Automatically muting channels?

Post by EdK »

Thank you!
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