Need help with Voicemeeter (very difficult)

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Need help with Voicemeeter (very difficult)

Post by pickyaudioguy »


I would love to use Voicemeeter (Standard or Banana) but I'm having a problem understanding my issue. I have been using a contorted path to get access to my audio for testing with many different programs. I am trying to maintain "digitally perfect" which I've been able to do using your HiFi Cable and playing files/streams with Foobar2000 into ASIO4ALL and in-turn pointing ASIO4ALL to HiFi Cable Input (Playback). Then HiFi Cable Output (Recording) can be pointed toward by audio apps and the signal is digitally perfect over my settings of 44.1kHz 24-bit. This is IDENTICAL to the file being played when monitored at the HiFi Cable Output.
Foobar2k-ASIO4ALL-HiFiCable_MatlabAnalyzer.jpg (139.48 KiB) Viewed 54447 times
Now after cleaning house on the machine (remove HiFi Cable (and Voicemeeter standard), Graphics and Audio Drivers and then reinstall Graphics, Audio (EVGA NuAudio) Drivers and Voicemeeter Banana. Audio appears to function perfectly in default. Now pointing Foobar2k into Voicemeeter Aux Virtual ASIO and (automatically on install) Voicemeeter A1 output points to the EVGA ASIO:Nu Audio. My Matlab app (ASIO driver and input set to Voicemeeter AUX Virtual ASIO). It seems that the audio is clean but about 4-bits of the 24 are missing. I've tested this on another computer and it's consistent with these measurements. Here's the analyzer picture.

I don't know if something is mis-configured. I tried the "Buffering ASIO" which was defaulted to 128samples but that has no effect.

I can send my testing file if you want to take a look but it's a 52MB FLAC file.
Foobar2k-ASIOVoicemeeter_In-Out_MatlabAnalyzer.jpg (147.4 KiB) Viewed 54447 times
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