Voicemeeter New VAIO driver (2024 Update)

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Vincent Burel
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Voicemeeter New VAIO driver (2024 Update)

Post by Vincent Burel »

The New Voicemeeter installs a new virtual audio driver offering 8x I/O (under Windows 10/11 64bits) so you may think about checking / re-defining device selection in all applications previously connected to it.

- "Voicemeeter output" is now called "Voicemeeter Out B1"
- "Voicemeeter AUX output" is now called "Voicemeeter Out B2"
- "Voicemeeter VAIO3 output" is now called "Voicemeeter Out B3"

NewVoicemeeterVirtualOutput.jpg (230.29 KiB) Viewed 63975 times

Virtual inputs have basically the same name, but the driver is changed, so could be also re-selected as playback device in your different applications using it.

NewVoicemeeterVirtualInput.jpg (231.34 KiB) Viewed 63975 times

VAIO extension can be activated by an additional license, see Menu -> VAIO Extension License.
then VAIO 1-5 could be connected to Voicemeeter Hardware Input and from Physical Output Bus (just by a simple new button).
here below the default naming for virtual input after Voicemeeter installation:

VoicemmeterPotatoNewVirtualInputScheme.jpg (278.91 KiB) Viewed 52170 times

it is also possible to change or reset the device name and icon by the VoicemeeterVAIO_ControlPanel:
the "Reset Pin Name and Icon 2" item will rename Voicemeeter virtual input into "Voicemeeter in #1 to #8" while
the "Reset Pin Name and Icon 1" item will rename Voicemeeter virtual input 6,7,8 to historical name (set by default)

VaiosExtension_VoicemeeterPotatoIn.jpg (281.15 KiB) Viewed 63974 times

"Voicemeeter in 6" = "Voicemeeter Input"
"Voicemeeter in 7" = "Voicemeeter AUX Input"
"Voicemeeter in 8" = "Voicemeeter VAIO3 Input"

VBVoicemeeterVAIO_ControlPanel.png (86.88 KiB) Viewed 63963 times

the VAIO_ControlPanel also offer options to activate Windows Volume Control on Voicemeeter Playback device.
or actiave the Loopback pin (normally set by default after installation).

Run this application in Administrator mode to change options.

DO NOT CHANGE THE MAX LATENCY (related to a memory allocation), use the VAIO Latency Menu in Voicemeeter instead.
Vincent Burel
Site Admin
Posts: 2133
Joined: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:01 pm

Re: Voicemeeter New VAIO driver (2024 Update)

Post by Vincent Burel »

More info about the Voicemeeter (2024 versions) new features:
https://voicemeeter.com/voicemeeter-upd ... uary-2024/
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