Re: Have some crackling and popping issues
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:57 am
Not sure if the OP is still around, however, I also experience this issue despite having the interface setup as optimally as possible, I still get the crackling/popping issues, this is inherent due to the nature of the Focusrite ASIO driver which goes out of sync with Voicemeteer's own ASIO driver.
The best fix I've found so far is setting the 2i2 (3rd gen) to 48kHz sample rate, and 96 buffer size for DAW usage, otherwise 192 buffer size will work. You can see how these provide minimal errors on the callback timing with the ASIO tool below.

Any other buffer sizes outside of these two I have found just don't work. Maybe Vincent or someone else can recommend some USB interfaces that don't have this issue.
The best fix I've found so far is setting the 2i2 (3rd gen) to 48kHz sample rate, and 96 buffer size for DAW usage, otherwise 192 buffer size will work. You can see how these provide minimal errors on the callback timing with the ASIO tool below.

Any other buffer sizes outside of these two I have found just don't work. Maybe Vincent or someone else can recommend some USB interfaces that don't have this issue.