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Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:01 am
by brickviking
While I don't disagree with your position that you wish a toggle to simply work in one place, I just tested eight of my applications, and none of those have a toggle that works the way you describe: click once, it shows, click again, it hides. At best, each time I click on these icons, they either show the screen, or they pop up a menu. That doesn't typically go away when I hit the icon again.

The ONLY program I have that indicates that behaviour happens when I click on the system clock. That brings up a calendar on the first click, and removes it on the second.

(Post 36)

Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:03 pm
by Killy
Of the applications I have running now, described behaviour is present for:
- ResophNotes (notes organizer)
- Miranda-NG (messenger)
- CopyQ (clipboard manager)
- Mahou (layout switcher, even though it has no real need in this)

There are other apps that I wish to behave in this way but don't bring into view as frequently to be bothered much.

Oh, and taskbar icons behave this way most of the time by design.
Obviously, it might not be a natural fit for every tray icon, but for a certain category of apps, to which Voicemeeter and Marco Buttons belong, it is a desireable behaviour.

Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 9:10 am
by Vincent Burel = 0 (to hide Voicemeeter) will be working in next update.