Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:01 am
While I don't disagree with your position that you wish a toggle to simply work in one place, I just tested eight of my applications, and none of those have a toggle that works the way you describe: click once, it shows, click again, it hides. At best, each time I click on these icons, they either show the screen, or they pop up a menu. That doesn't typically go away when I hit the icon again.
The ONLY program I have that indicates that behaviour happens when I click on the system clock. That brings up a calendar on the first click, and removes it on the second.
(Post 36)
The ONLY program I have that indicates that behaviour happens when I click on the system clock. That brings up a calendar on the first click, and removes it on the second.
(Post 36)