Yes, I'm having the exact same issues, however things seem to be working except for the error message so I'm leaving it alone for now.
UT MME VoiceMeeter VAIO3 Input (VB-Aud | VBAudio100VMVAIO3 | {3a7acd8e-0c4b-4ecc-aa92-0388b80ed433} | ICON: %windir%\system32\Drivers\vbaudio_vmvaio364_win10.sys,-100
CHECKING VB-Audio Virtual Cable : Not Installed
CHECKING VB-Audio Cable A (version 01000305)
*ERROR MME Input - Bad Pin Icon: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43\VBCABLE_A_Driver_Pack43\pin_out.ico
*ERROR MME Output - Bad Pin Name: Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)
*ERROR MME Output - Bad Pin Icon: %windir%\system32\mmres.dll,-3010
*ERROR WDM Input - Bad Pin Icon: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43\VBCABLE_A_Driver_Pack43\pin_out.ico
*ERROR WDM Output - Bad Pin Name: Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)
*ERROR WDM Output - Bad Pin Icon: %windir%\system32\mmres.dll,-3010
CHECKING VB-Audio Cable B (version 01000305)
*ERROR MME Input - Bad Pin Icon: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43\VBCABLE_B_Driver_Pack43\pin_out.ico
*ERROR MME Output - Bad Pin Name: Speakers (VB-Audio Cable B)
*ERROR MME Output - Bad Pin Icon: %windir%\system32\mmres.dll,-3010
*ERROR WDM Input - Bad Pin Icon: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43\VBCABLE_B_Driver_Pack43\pin_out.ico
*ERROR WDM Output - Bad Pin Name: Speakers (VB-Audio Cable B)
*ERROR WDM Output - Bad Pin Icon: %windir%\system32\mmres.dll,-3010
CHECKING VB-Audio Cable C : Not Installed
CHECKING VB-Audio Cable D : Not Installed
CHECKING VB-Audio MT128 Virtual I/O : Not Installed
CHECKING VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable : Not Installed
CHECKING VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO (version 02010502)
CHECKING VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO (version 02010502)
CHECKING VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO3 (version 02010502)
TEST DATE: 2021/05/14 - 17:38:33 (Checker Version
Operating System: WIN 10 64Bits Build: 19042
CONCLUSION: 12 error detected (You may consider re-installing audio drivers)
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