adrian142 wrote:But what comes over the BUS ch5-ch8?
I did not patch them (only ch1-ch4 are patched to HW Input 1 and HW Input 2).
Why do you expect ch5-ch8 to have sound?
We are talking about B1 !!!
That is connected with our DAW via Voicemeter Virtual ASIO driver.
You see 4 sub mixer lines in B1 output related to
our 2 Stereo HW inputs.
A2 output has nothing to do with it!
A2 uses UpMixTV option to upmix an incoming stereo signal connected to Aux VAIO (aka Virtual Input 2) and sends it to SRS Audio Sandbox (A2 aka Hardware Output 2).
adrian142 wrote:And how do You separate different Windows applications that all play normally as desktop audio?
I do not separate them.
Everything (audio players, media players, etc.) is connected to Aux VAIO (Virtual Input 2).
Except ASIO.
adrian142 wrote:I see Virtual Audio Cable as HW Input Line 3.
And as HW Output 3 (A3)!
It is a relict that I do not use anymore.
I had used it to be able to send a Virtual Input signal from VAIO or Aux VAIO to one of the Hardware Inputs to use the INTELLIPAN FX and the 3D Position Panel for it.
adrian142 wrote:I have the Hifi Cable installed but I don't know how to use that, too.
How ties that into the system?
I have never used the Hifi Cable.
Probably because I had no use for it.
I also have never ever met anybody that has used it.
So, honestly I have no clue about the usage of the Hifi Cable at all.
Final advice:
As long as you do not need more than 3 Hardware Inputs and/or more than 2 Virtual Inputs use Voicemeeter Banana and not Potato!