das1996 wrote:^^Thanks for the link to that script. That sure opens up pandora's box on cpu governor settings. Which specific parameters should I be looking for for the idle parked state thresholds (if you know)?
Yeh it's a real rabbit hole. Windows' power management and CPU scheduling leave a lot to be desired. I suspect they'll sort it out in the not-too-distant future, as it's been a thing since forever (Pro audio on 95SE, realtime work on NT 3.51 server, and onward, at least) but the ryzen chips really blew the cover on it to the masses, and in the datacentre. For examples of how it can be very AMD/ryzen-specific, take a look at this:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/6 ... g/df2v7w9/ and this
https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/5 ... g_and_amd/
Disclaimer: I'm far from an expert on this, and certainly a long way from an expert in this use case (low power, also AMD). So I may get things wrong and waste your time. I'll do my best to help out with what I know. But please don't hate me if I do a stupid
I *think* the one you're after is 'Processor performance core parking over-utilization threshold'. I *think* it's set to 5% by default. If you're using 1% of three cores, that's going to be at least 3% of one core, and as the clock speed drops, it's going to be even more, so you might be tripping over that 5% by just a little. Maybe try bumping that up to some silly number like 20% and work your way down to normalcy until you lose the desired effect? (Assuming that it even has the desired effect! I may be very wrong!) You'll need to exit VM and change the setting, let it go idle (so it's only 1 active core), start VM, and then wait and see if it goes idle again (or if it fails and there's still 3 active cores)
One of the limitations of this system is that it kinda assumes that you're going to be more concerned with making sure it ramps *up*, as opposed to staying down, which kinda makes sense because nobody wants the system to feel laggy, where in your case you're actually trying to avoid the ramping up and force it to be a little laggy, in order to penny-pinch the power usage. So, as you go through the power config settings, you'll notice there are more settings to make it go 'up' than 'down'... But, if you tweak it just right, you should, in theory, be able to get it to stay down until the point that suits your needs, and then quickly ramp up like normal, thus overcoming excessive lag.
Speaking of going through that list, not sure if you've noticed but if you hover the mouse cursor over the name of the setting, it will pop up a tooltip that describes in ever-so-slightly more detail what the setting does. Often, these toolytips are more descriptive than the official documentation, so give them a look. Yes, they disappear faster than you can read them. Just move the mouse off the setting and back to make it pop back up.
You may like to test the theory that core parking is actually the trick here. The setting I refer to earlier, to brute-force it, is called 'Processor performance core parking max cores' (yes, I'm sure this time lol). It's a percentage of your total core count, so since you have a 12 core CPU, set that to 8% (or is it 9? It's 100/12 which is 8.3 and there's nothing about this in Microsoft's very spartan 'documentation'. Should we round up? or down? what if we set it to 1%? Will it try to park them all by rounding to the nearest, or be sane and round up to one core? Who knows.... Try them all and see!) and it should limit you to a maximum of 1 unparked core, ie, it'll park all but one core. Hopefully, that should behave the same when VM is running, as it does when it's not. Obviously, you wouldn't want to leave it that way, because you've just forced your PC to be a full-time single core CPU. It's also entirely likely that windows will try to move stuff around, and there will only ever be one unparked core, but that will be a different core each time it moves the threads. It's bad like that (see the above reddit posts). Honestly, you'll have to try it and see.... I would test it for you, but I'm not touching my power plans now that they're actually working XD
Good luck!!
das1996 wrote:
Yes on the backup.. Full system imaged before the latest updates were installed, VMB, etc. It'll take 5 min to restore back to previous state.