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Voicemeeter Potato Installation Problem

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 6:16 pm
by Shuik1
Hello, I used to have Voicemeeter Potato, but then uninstalled it for Voicemeeter Banana (when i was having trouble with it) and now I want to reinstall Potato. I read Vincent's post about uninstalling and reinstalling, I removed the voicemeeter drivers from device managers, but it still takes me to this screen when I try to install Voicemeeter


I've restarted my computer around 3 times trying to fix this, what do I do?
Apologies in advance, I'm not very tech savvy

Re: Voicemeeter Potato Installation Problem

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 9:35 am
by Vincent Burel
there is a wellknown topic for this subject: