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Launching VM and MacroButtons from command line with preferences

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:30 pm
by ReformedDJ
I am working on a specialized solution and would like to use VM and a Macrobutton, which I already tested and have installed with preferences, but I would like to launch both from a script (that also launches VLC configured for what I need). I made a batch file that launches VLC with parameters using START command

START vlc.exe --blah blah blah

I would like to do the same for VM and MacroButtons...can I do that from a batch file...and if I launch with a set of preferences....I know that VM etc auto saves changes....will it effect my pre done preferences file or will it save locally as the user then get reset again on next launch? I am locking the GUI and setting for "system tray", but I assume I don't need to auto launch Macrobuttons if I launch it on it's own from the batch file?

Thank you.


Re: Launching VM and MacroButtons from command line with preferences

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:43 pm
by Andres
Hi. Maybe this can helpful in your case:

According to Voicemeeter User Manual you can start Voicemeeter from command line with the l or L switch to specify the configuration file you want to use. Something like this (Banana version):

Code: Select all

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\VB\Voicemeeter\voicemeeterpro.exe -L"C:\Users\user\Documents\vmb.xml"
For Potato replace voicemeeterpro.exe with voicemeeter8.exe. The XML file is created when you use the Menu - Save Settings option.

Hope this helps.