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Suggestion: Allow disable for "Bad Audio Driver" Error Nag
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:09 pm
by mobettameta
I noticed with the latest Voicemeeter Potato, it now pops up a little message box saying "Bad Audio Driver Installation Detected!"
I get this popup because I have VR goggles hooked up to my system, but they're not always on. When I turn them on, then the Driver works as intended.
So my issue is that the popup error is an annoyance and I'd like to just not have that popup come up because I already know it's going to find a bad driver since my VR is off.
Would you put in an option/checkbox to disable that popup?
Re: Suggestion: Allow disable for "Bad Audio Driver" Error Nag
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:17 pm
by mobettameta
Re: Suggestion: Allow disable for "Bad Audio Driver" Error Nag
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:45 am
by Vincent Burel
Re: Suggestion: Allow disable for "Bad Audio Driver" Error Nag
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:50 pm
by mobettameta
Will doing all those steps in that thread solve the "Bad Audio Driver" error even when the device is not connected?
VR goggles normally are off and the driver will not detect the device and therefore VM Banana reports a bad driver installation, but if I had the goggles on, then there is no error. It's a problem with what VM Banana is checking for.
I simply wish for it to not popup the bad driver installation nag box. I don't need it to tell me a driver is badly installed because it is not. It is working fine when the device is on.
Re: Suggestion: Allow disable for "Bad Audio Driver" Error Nag
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:14 am
by Vincent Burel
our driver checker report error only on our driver installation.
if you still get error, thanks to post the log here to let us see what you are talking about.
Re: Suggestion: Allow disable for "Bad Audio Driver" Error Nag
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 2:47 pm
by Phroneris
I googled
"voicemeeter ignore bad driver warning", found this topic, opened it with delight, and am disappointed that currently there doesn't seem to be any solutions for the issue or probability of the suggested feature.
I wish for that option too!
There are some cases where audio drivers are disabled intentionally.
By the way...
As well as mobettameta, I couldn't find any direct solutions in the topic Vincent referred to, but I found that its first post says the driver checker is just an individual application.
Then I tried renaming:
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files (x86)\VB\Voicemeeter\VBDeviceCheck.exe
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files (x86)\VB\Voicemeeter\VBDeviceCheckkkkkk.exe
it works!
My VoiceMeeter Banana successfully stays silent even with some disconnected outputs.
I believe this is a awkward workaround but it would help for now.