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Need to Rgen Code, unsure which one?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:23 pm
by peejaygee
How can I display the current 'challenge' code on the VB instance I'm using?

I've got 3 codes, one I'm using and I'm going to start using one of the other two, I want to re-gen, but I only have 1 per, so I don't want to kill the one I'm already using, in case I need it down the line.

Is there a way to display the one I'm already using (in the app on the windows machine) so I can ignore it on the web based re-gen of code section?

I tried to join the discord to ask this, but for some reason although I'm under 100 servers, I'm unable to join the server, I just get the 'preview' mode and when clicking on 'join' it just sits there. Unsure if that's a Discord issue or what, and I do show as listed in the 'recent' joined channel, so I'm a little confused on that.


Re: Need to Rgen Code, unsure which one?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:33 pm
by Vincent Burel
Challenge/Response code is for Voicemeeter Potato only and are listed in your webshop account.

For this kind of questions you may use the webshop contact form instead:

more info about activation code: