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Changing VAIO3 Change Output SR

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 3:26 am
by V1perN3st
I am having issues running my audio through VoiceMeeter Potato into Discord. It causes my audio to be broken. I have found a work around by adjusting audiodg.exe to a High Priority and limiting it to one CPU Core, but I am still getting issues with the audio into Discord. I noticed the Output of VAIO3 (which I use to send to Discord) is at 44100 Hz, but I am not sure how to get it to go to 48000 Hz. My input for VAIO3 is at 48000 Hz, but the Internal SR is 44100 Hz. Clicking Options > Internal SR to 48000 Hz doesn't seem to change anything.

I know Discord has been a topic that comes up several times with VoiceMeeter and I am not sure where the issue might be. I know routing my Mic directly to Discord resolves my issue, but I would like to control it through VoiceMeeter and the issue only seems to happen when it is going through VoiceMeeter.

Re: Changing VAIO3 Change Output SR

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:40 am
by Vincent Burel
VAIO internal SR are auto configured with Voicemeeter main stream samplerate.
so if Voicemeeter main stream is 48kHz, then all VAIOs will be set in 48 kHz.

Re: Changing VAIO3 Change Output SR

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 2:53 am
by V1perN3st
Where do I set that? I see where I can set one in the Settings, but that affects A1 - A5 and not the virtual in ones.

Re: Changing VAIO3 Change Output SR

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:11 am
by Vincent Burel
Voicemeeter main stream is given by the device selected as output A1
you can define a preferred samplerate in Voicemeeter System settings dialog box,
but the final samplerate of the device will be the result of a negotiation.

if the Voicemeeter main stream is in 48kHz (this is specified on top right of Voicemeeter) then all its VAIO internal samplerate will be set to 48kHz ... but their related audio pin (used by application connected to ) can use other samplerate.

if you want to see all the audio path in 48kHz you will have to set the default audio format for the Voicemeeter Virtual audio device (in playback and recording tab -> device property -> advanced tab).