Is there a way to send the Sub channel only?

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Is there a way to send the Sub channel only?

Post by Rangoon »

LFE Only extracts the sub channel and sends it to L/R. However, I'm just wanting to have an output ignore everything but the sub. The only way I've found to do that now is to stack low-pass filters into an EQ on that output. That isn't perfect, or at least I haven't gotten it be perfect, as some still bleeds out to the other speakers.

Is there another way, or a better way?
Vincent Burel
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Re: Is there a way to send the Sub channel only?

Post by Vincent Burel »

yes, you may use the 8x8 Gain matrix installed with Voicemeeter maybe more practical.
otherwise you could use the COMPOSITE MODE for this BUS (if not already used to do something else).
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Re: Is there a way to send the Sub channel only?

Post by Rangoon »

I will look into the matrix (that sounds so profound!).

I am already using the composite mode, for transducers, so that's not an option.

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