VB-CABLE are Multi Channel ?

VB-Cable A & B, HIFI-Cable, ASIO Bridge
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Vincent Burel
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VB-CABLE are Multi Channel ?

Post by Vincent Burel »

VB-CABLE is designed as multichannel virtual audio cable (up to 8 channels).
if the VB-CABLE can work easily on MAC with 8 channels without problems, this is more complicated on Windows PC.

Following information is the same for all our Virtual audio cable (VB-CABLES and Voicemeeter VAIOs).

VB-CABLE virtual input is a Playback device like any Speaker, so can be configured in 5.1 or 7.1 like any Speaker devices:
PlaybackMultiChannelConfiguration.png (55.97 KiB) Viewed 51327 times
VB-CABLE virtual output is like any Recording device and cannot be configured in multichannel, so it's up to the application using it to open the device with the required number of channels.

This is well working originally on Windows XP... but with Vista and more recent Windows version. MME audio interface stopped to work when opening recording device with 8 channels. WDM (WASAPI) does not work either. It seems, only KS audio interface allows to open a VB-CABLE recording device with 8 channels... but not a lot of application are able to do it...

anyway, this is a subject we are working on...
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Re: VB-CABLE are Multi Channel ?

Post by MV10 »

It seems, only KS audio interface allows to open a VB-CABLE recording device with 8 channels...
Vincent, are you saying there is a plan to address this, or it's just something you're aware of and would like to fix some day?

I experimented with a similar product (Virtual Audio Cable) which is a Kernel Streaming driver, but since I'm building my software for others, I really preferred the direct simplicity of VB-CABLE. Multi-channel capture would be a fantastic feature.
Vincent Burel
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Re: VB-CABLE are Multi Channel ?

Post by Vincent Burel »

yes, an update is planned for all our VBCABLE and VAIOS in the next months... based on new Virtual Audio driver, currently in test with our Matrix app, in public beta test on our discord: www.vbaudiomatrix.com
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