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Matrix Version History

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:12 am
by Vincent Burel
Correction / new functions /
- MENU: New option to Restart audio engine if Master device Is not running (Warning is displayed if the master device is not running).
- LOG: recheck message related to restart audio engine, sometimes the reason was not well defined.
- LICENSE ACTIVATION: Challenge / Response code system has been changed to increase the stability of the challenge code and overall security (response code is now 10 digits). A REGEN will be offered to all End User Accounts to reactivate the license with this new activation code system.
- LATENCY MENU for ASIO and internal clock now propose 96 and 64 sample buffer size.
- MATRIX ROUTING GRID: if main view was placed in system tray and hidden by the system tray menu, the Matrix Routing Grid could not show levels anymore.
- LOAD SETTINGS: will now NOT erase current Slot Configuration if loading Routing Grid settings only.

Correction / new functions /
- SYSTEM: use NtSetTimerResolution instead of timeBeginPeriod to try to place the operating system in a more accurate timing configuration (0.5 ms).
- SETTINGS: add output delay on Slot (activate by CTRL+Click). Left Click to set the delay in ms (500ms max by default).

Correction / new functions /
- MAIN VIEW: buffer size was always displayed in RED when main samplerate was above 48 kHz (bad condition used). Buffer size are now displayed in red if it is considered as too small to work reliable.
- VAIO Buffer size (latency) menu now offers 3x 128, 3x 256 and 3x 512 buffer size option. The Matrix keeps this settings as system settings to configure the different VAIOs on Startup up (Matrix Launch). Changing latency in VAIOControlPanel will work but won’t be updated in Matrix Main View and Matrix Parameters will be applied on next Matrix launch..
- VAIO driver are updated to version (like Voicemeeter VAIO 2024 version).
- RESTART AUDIO ENGINE: log is now including the reason why audio engine is restarted.
- COCONUT NEW SLOT: WIN32 and WIN64 SLOT to manage windows device with up to 32 I/O and 64 I/O (tested with Polyend Tracker device).
- SYSTEM SETTINGS: Latency Performance Mode can be set to “Optimal” to possibly reduce overall latency (internal buffering are reduced and some data exchange process are more strict with less margin). Set it back to “secure” mode in case of audio stability problem.
- MENU: add some keyboard shortcut to open dialogs and restart audio engine (same as Voicemeeter).
- PRESET LIST: Add ENTER key to apply a preset. Add F1-F24 keys to apply first 24 presets. Option to not have to select the preset first before being able to act on controls: “Mouse control on selected preset” only. Mouse wheel to scroll preset list.
- MENU: Option Limit Remote Gain to 0dBfs (MIDI + VBAN request).
- MATRIX VIEW: Display VAIO pin name (those possibly defined by users in windows audio properties).

Matrix Version History (NOV 2024)

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 3:46 pm
by Vincent Burel
MATRIX Correction / new functions /
- VAIO: Arm64 support, 24H2 support.
- SYSTRAY: manage system tray icon after explorer crash.
- GRID VIEW: support ALT key (with arrow) to go from point to point.

Matrix Version History (FEB 2025)

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 5:12 pm
by Vincent Burel
Matrix Correction / new functions /
- SYSTEM TIMER resolution is now displayed in System Settings dialog box. Matrix set it to 0.5 ms by default for a maximum real time system behavior. In case of problem, this parameter can changed to the regular 1 ms by defining the registry DWORD Value “TimerResolution” = 1.
- ABOUT dialog box: is displayed every 12 hours if license is not activated. “Unregistered license” is displayed on caption.
- VAIO Latency set by the Matrix was not persistent – regression due to 24H2 driver correction - (now set correctly on audio engine start).
- VAIO Driver recompiled to version to fix a potential HVCI compatibility problem.
- ASIO slot option (Right Click) to ignore kAsioResyncRequest message from buggy ASIO driver (for example Waves SoundGrid ASIO driver seems to send this message for no reason, producing unexpected Audio Engine Restart).
- WINDOW POSITION: could not work correct if taskbar was on top or left side of the desktop. Now Matrix and Grid view are displayed on the same position, independently from the taskbar position.
- MATRIX SLOT: buffer size is now displayed in orange if considered as too small (instead of red previously).
- ROUTING GRID: display slot user name instead of device or generic name after/before I/O name (if a user name is defined in system settings dialog box).
- LOAD PRESET individually was not persistent (the preset was loaded but not stored in preset folder).
- VBAN-TEXT : server implementation to reply to question request:

Point(SUID.IN, SUID.OUT[j]).dBGain = ?;
Point(SUID.IN[i1..i2], SUID.OUT[j1..j2]).dBGain = ?;

Point(SUID.IN, SUID.OUT[j]).Mute = ?;
Point(SUID.IN[i1..i2], SUID.OUT[j1..j2]).Mute =?;

Point(SUID.IN, SUID.OUT[j]).Phase = ?;
Point(SUID.IN[i1..i2], SUID.OUT[j1..j2]).Phase =?;

Output(SUID.OUT[j]).Name = ?;
Output(SUID.OUT[j1..j2]).Name = ?;

Input(SUID.IN).Name = ?;
Input(SUID.IN[i1..i2]).Name = ?;

Slot(SUID).Online = ?;
Slot(SUID).Master = ?;
Slot(SUID).Device = ?;
Slot(SUID).RunningStatus = ?; // 0 or 1
Slot(SUID).Info = ?; // ex: “in:4, out:8”;

PresetPatch.Name = ?;
PresetPatch.Comment = ?;
PresetPatch.Apply = ?; //number of applied / number max
PresetPatch.Mute = ?; //number of muted / number max
PresetPatch.Phase = ?; //number of out of phase / number max
PresetPatch.Gain = ?;
PresetPatch[i].Zone = ?; //Number of Zone
PresetPatch[i].Point = ?; //Number of Points

Command.Version = ?; //app name + version number
Command.Load = ?; //return current file name
Command.LoadGrid = ?;//return current file name