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Volume Sync with Audio Interface

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:18 pm
by AntoTAT

We use Voicemeeter and it is running in the system tray, but we still want the users to be able to change the volume of the Audio Interface via the Windows Volume controls.

We don't want the users to mess around with the settings in VoiceMeeter...

Is there a way that when you modify the volume of VoiceMeeter (via Windows controls) that it also modify it equaly on the Audio Interface ?

For the moment users are dragging the slidder to 1% and the speakers are still blasting.

The only way for the moment is to change to the Audio interface, change the volume and then switch back to voicemeeter as default audio interface... but it is not user friendly.

Any idea ? I saw some people stating that you can... but you need to disable that the applications are able to request exclusive access.

Re: Volume Sync with Audio Interface

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:29 pm
by bySkriK
Not sure if this is what you are refering to, but just in case: Shortcut key (Hook) in the menĂº, and Hook Volume Keys for whatever is what you selected for virtual output, mine is A1.

Re: Volume Sync with Audio Interface

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:25 pm
by AntoTAT
What i am refering to is the Windows Volume control.

Our users have no clue how to use Voicemeeter... we just install it as a tool to mix stuff to register.

Since you need to set VoiceMeeter as default Audio interface in Windows... when you want to change de volume of the sound playing in the speakers it would be nice that when you change de VoiceMeeter volume... it would also change the volume of the audio interface

VoiceMeeter volume that when you change the volume it does nothing...
VoiceMeeter Windows Volume Control
VoiceMeeter Windows Volume Control
2025-01-09_13h19_26.png (52.6 KiB) Viewed 9470 times
Audio interface
Devio SCR-20C Volume control
Devio SCR-20C Volume control
2025-01-09_13h19_44.png (65.31 KiB) Viewed 9470 times

Re: Volume Sync with Audio Interface

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:21 am
by Vincent Burel
With New Voicemeeter (2024 version) you can activate the Windows Volume Control option in the VoicemeeterVAIO_ControlPanel.exe
DisableWindowsVolumeControl.png (65.84 KiB) Viewed 9372 times