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VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:59 am
by liquidate
Congratulations on the release! I consider myself lucky, I hadn't previously heard of VB-Audio and happened to run across Voicemeeter Banana just days after its release as I was setting up a new system. I was blown away by the functionality, ease of use and rock solid stability. It didn't take more than a day to know that this was easily worth the donation (and more!)

Since purchasing Voicemeeter, I've also picked up an Focusrite Scarlett 6i6. Using the ASIO Focusrite USB 2.0 Audio Driver with Voicemeeter has been extremely straight forward. I've even been able to use the Voicemeeter Insert Virtual ASIO driver in Adobe Audition and Image-Line's minihost, no problems encountered and great performance. It's all just worked absolutely perfectly!

I've got one issue that I'm hoping to resolve. I understand what's going on, I'm just curious if there's a way to tweak Voicemeeter to work around it. The Scarlett 6i6 has two front panel mic/instrument inputs. In my case, I have two microphones attached. Unfortunately, Voicemeeter pairs the 6i6's 6 inputs as stereo pairs, so both mics end up being assigned to Hardware Input 1. I'd really like to break these apart and have one assigned to Input 1, the other to HW Input 2. Ultimately, I want the ability to mute one mic while I keep the other live. This isn't possible right now and instead I have to unplug or turn down the physical gain control. I've figured out how to separate the mics (and all of the other inputs) in the DAW. I'd just like to use Voicemeeter to do it in applications like Skype too. Any advice would be appreciated.

Any chance a future version could have the ability to add even more Hardware Inputs? Not sure if there's a technical limitation, but I'd love to have even more (cause you know, I now find myself with a TON of audio inputs :))

Again, great utility and I'm really looking forward to seeing where it and your other products go in the future!

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:18 pm
by Vincent Burel
thanks for your feedback.

for you MIC assignation problem, i could add an option to auto-patch ASIO channels one by one (instead of 2 by 2) on the 2 or 3 Input Strips.
i'm going to think about ...

Voicemeeter series is designed as general Mixer for Windows users. It's made to manage audio under Windows Generally speaking...
To manage more precisely every channels of a given device (or several devices), we need to make other kind of mixer , closer than hardware mixing console for musician, for example based on 16 or 24 mono strips... but we already started to work on this :-)

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:49 pm
by liquidate
Thank you for the consideration. For what it's worth, I'm using the 5/6 inputs (6i6's SDPIF input) in Hardware Input 3 as a stereo pair. If I could just tweak HW Input 1 & 2 to take the two mono inputs and leave HW Input 3 alone, things would be perfect.

Really looking forward to your more advanced mixer in a future product. Would be happy to help provide feedback if you do a beta period.

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:40 am
by Vincent Burel
ha, ok, let be more precise to be sure about what is required :

with the current automatic ASIO patch process 2 by 2:
- ASIO input 1,2 are routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #1 Left & Right Channel
- ASIO input 3,4 are routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #2 Left & Right Channel
- ASIO input 5,6 are routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #3 Left & Right Channel

with an automatic ASIO patch process 1 by 1:
- ASIO input 1 will be routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #1 Left Channel
- ASIO input 2 will be routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #2 Left Channel
- ASIO input 3 will be routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #3 Left Channel

does this option would fit your need or not ?

BTW: we make beta program on Facebook/G+ (just follow us to get early version before official release and participate to the finalization of the product).

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:36 am
by liquidate
Yes, That's what I thought you were alluding to and why I put my caveat. In a perfect world, I'd like to have something like:

- ASIO input 1 will be routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #1 Left Channel
- ASIO input 2 will be routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #2 Left Channel
- ASIO input 5,6 are routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #3 Left & Right Channel (or alternatively, ASIO input 3, 4 are routed to Voicemeeter Hardware Input #3 Left & Right Channel)

I understand UI wise, my request isn't as simple as a checked menu item in the system menu :)

Thanks for the heads up. I'll follow on G+ and keep up to date!

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:51 am
by Vincent Burel
ok, so it needs a patch option...

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:16 pm
by liquidate
Thank you for version! Your implementation worked perfectly and I can now easily assign the Focusrite inputs EXACTLY how I wanted! Amazing customer support and technical expertise!

Re: VoiceMeeter and ASIO Focusright Configuration Questions

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:01 pm
by Vincent Burel
ha good ! thanks for your feedback!