[DEV] Receiving a VBAN Audio Stream
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:04 pm
the VBAN protocol is made simple to receive audio stream. It just needs to process VBAN packets according the wanted stream (name / ip from).
VBAN incoming packet process example: (general algorithm base)
get full source code example of a VBAN-Receptor app for linux on github: https://github.com/quiniouben/vban_receptor
VBAN incoming packet process example: (general algorithm base)
Code: Select all
PROCESS_UDP_PACKET(void * packet, long packetsize, SOCKADDR_IN from);
//Detect a VBAN packet in a single 32 bit instruction
if (lpHeader->vban == 'NABV')
//check the IP-From and Stream Name (different stream can come in)
fOk=CheckIfWeProcessThisStream(lpHeader, from);
if (fOk)
//get datasize (ater header) and protocol/codec index
Datasize = packetsize - sizeof(T_VBAN_HEADER);
protocol = lpHeader->format_SR & VBAN_PROTOCOL_MASK;
codec = lpHeader->format_bit & VBAN_CODEC_MASK;
//protocol selector
if (protocol == VBAN_PROTOCOL_AUDIO)
//codec selector
switch (codec)
//get audio stream information
SR =VBAN_SRList[lpHeader->format_SR & VBAN_SR_MASK];
nbChannel =((long)lpHeader->format_nbc)+1;
fReserved =lpHeader->format_bit & 0x08;
BitResolution = lpHeader->format_bit & VBAN_DATATYPE_MASK;
sampleSize = VBAN_SampleSize[BitResolution];
nbSample =((long)lpHeader->format_nbs)+1;
nbByte = sampleSize * nbChannel * nbSample;
//Push Data in Audio Stack (to be sent to audio device output for
//example) NOTE that waiting cycles are not allowed in this thread.
if (fReserved == 0)
if (nbByte == datasize)
MyStream_PushSignal(pStreamObj, lpHeader+1, nbByte,
SR, nbChannel, BitResolution);
else nError_corrupt++
get full source code example of a VBAN-Receptor app for linux on github: https://github.com/quiniouben/vban_receptor