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[FEATURE REQUEST] LED sync for midi controllers via "send midi"

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:28 am
by lkwpeter

I am using VoiceMeeter Banana with my Korg nanoKONTROL2 USB-Midi controller to control/mute the sound of my PC.

Everything works fine, except one issue concerning the LEDs lights:

- If I press a button on my nanoKONTROL2 the LED toggles red (stays on) and the channel is muted in VoiceMeeter. But after I restart my system, the LED is off again, although the source in VoiceMeeter is still muted.

- I have to say that I am a rookie in such things. But I could find out that I have to set the external midi feedback in the settings of my nanoKONTROL2. The problem is that VoiceMeeter doesn't seem have a "midi feedback" oder "midi send" (I don't know the correct term). I guess that VoiceMeeter needs to "tell my nanoKONTROL2" which lEDs are on/off, if I restart. But I don't know how.

- I found some older workarounds using Macro Buttons including a "send midi" command of VoiceMeeter in this thread. But unfortunatelyI didn't really understand what to do. And I didn't really find out, if this workaround would also consider the restart issue.

As I said, I am new to this stuff. So, I really hope for some detailed help on this.

Would be glad about answers!

Kind regards

PS: VoiceMeeter is awesome! Thanks for this great project!

Re: [MIDI feedback] LED issue with Korg nanoKONTROL2 after restart

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:52 am
by Vincent Burel
yes, Voicemeeter is MIDI slave only, and just receive MIDI Command.

to make a feedback to MIDI controller, it would need another user interface, to define another mapping, that certainly should have to be adjusted by the user... complicated to provide such functions.

Re: [MIDI feedback] LED issue with Korg nanoKONTROL2 after restart

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:23 am
by lkwpeter
Thanks for your response and explanation.

Does anybody know a program that could be used for send midi commands? I was thinking about copying the same midi-buttons in a second program to profit from "send midi". That would mean that pushing a button to mute a source in VMB would also trigger a "pseudo function" in the second program and activate "send midi". Any ideas?

Re: [MIDI feedback] LED issue with Korg nanoKONTROL2 after restart

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:49 pm
by Vincent Burel
You can do that with MacroButton installed with Voicemeeter,
it can perform an action (defined by script) also according MIDI code (see learn function in button config dialog box)
(incoming on same midi device selected for Voicemeeter MIDI mapping).

So you can use it to send MIDI event to your remote surface .
thanks to this different possible script functions:

Code: Select all

System.SendMidi("out1", "note-on", channel, note, velocity);
System.SendMidi("out1", "note-off", channel, note, velocity);
System.SendMidi("out1", "ctrl-change", channel, ctrl, value);
System.SendMidi("out1", "prg-change", channel, nPrg);
(MIDI output device selection is in the MacroButton system menu)
see user manual for details...

Re: [MIDI feedback] LED issue with Korg nanoKONTROL2 after restart

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:56 am
by lkwpeter
Thanks for your kind reply and your help.

Unfortunately, I am a total rookie in programming and MIDI at all. I read the user manual and your answer several times, but - to be honest - I don't even know where to start. It's not even clrear to me where to put what commands/values/scripts and how to bind macros to my preferred buttons. I really tried my best. I am a casual end-user that is able to use drop down menues, but when it comes to scripting it seems like I am just too far away from the IT/programming field that there is no chance to even find a starting point..

I know that most people using VMB might have more knowledge about MIDI and scripting. But wouldn't it be possible to add a direct "send midi" function to VMB? As I said, I do not know how much effort it would take. But just from deducing as an amateur it seems like VMB already has all the current states of the LEDs in the program, so it might be able to provide a way to sync devices up via Midi. I apologize, if I am wrong.

I searched Google for several hours now. I tried several programs to find a workaround and I realized that there are quite a lot people out there having similar issues. A "send midi" support that syncs the state of LEDs of a midi controller via MIDI would just be so great. I really hope that you will add that function in the future to support all those rookies like me using VMB!

Kind regards

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] LED sync for midi controllers via "send midi"

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:38 am
by Vincent Burel
yes, right, it maybe requires a tutorial to do that...

To resume: In Macro Button
1- you have to configure a button to learn the icoming MIDI code coming from your controller (thourhg Voicemeeter Mapping MIDI device).
2- you have to configure MIDI output 1 to use your MIDI Remote Controller (in Macro Button System Menu).
3- you have to configure the button in 2 Positions mode i guess.
4- in this button, you have to define the MIDI Message in ON Script (to be found : usually similar to incoming one, but with a different value).
5- in this button, you have to define the MIDI Message in OFF Script (to be found : usually similar to incoming one, but with a different value).

to be experimented...

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] LED sync for midi controllers via "send midi"

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:48 am
by lkwpeter
Thank you very much for your kind and patient support! That's awesome!

I finally found another way of solving my issue and I wanted to share this, so it might be a help to anybody who has similar trouble.

I bought myself a different Midi Controller to test, if it would have the same troubles. And much to my puzzlement: The Behringer X-Touch Mini didn't! It works just perfectly!!!! The X-Touch Mini remembers what LEDs are on/off even after I shut down/restart the PC!

Furthermore, if you really want to keep the nanoKONTORL2: I also called the KORG hotline. They told me that maybe an active USB hub with a separate power supply could also solve the problem. But I didn't test it after the Behringer X-Touch Mini worked just fine.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards!