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Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 6:45 pm
by Killy
I have both Voicemeeter Banana and Macro Buttons sitting in tray.
Clicking tray icon will show the window for any of them.
After visually checking the state of controls, I want to get rid of window, so I'm clicking on the tray icon again.
It does nothing. So I suggest you to improve this.
Fiddling with context menu isn't an option. Clicking the Close button is somewhat more natural action, but it gets annoying when it could've been achieved without any mouse movement.
And by the way. When minimized to taskbar, these two apps behave differently.
Macro Buttons can be minimized and restored by clicking on taskbar icon.
Voicemeeter Banana can be restored but not minimized.
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 10:29 pm
by brickviking
I found that right-clicking on the tray icons brought up the context menu, from there you can choose "Hide VoiceMeeter" or "Hide Macrobuttons". Would this achieve your aims?
(Post 32)
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 11:27 pm
by Killy
I found that too. I think I covered that in my post.
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 8:30 am
by Vincent Burel
Voicemeeter is a window without caption, that 's why it has not exactly the same behavior than MacroµButton for example when clicking in Taskbar icon... will take a look...
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:41 pm
by BangDroid
I use a global hotkey to show/hide voicemeeter. This is done with
In my case, I have a keyboard with assignable macro keys and I've set one to show and hide Voicemeeter. You could assign show/hide to any key combination with a fairly simple script.
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:28 am
by brickviking
Some online game servers wig out if they detect that autohotkey is running on the client machine, as that has been used for client hacking in the past. I'm not sure if that will be true in this case, but accounts have been banned with no right of reply.
(Post 33)
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 12:44 am
by Killy
I don't like to have many global hotkeys.
And I don't see it beneficial enough in this case to keep additional tools.
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:31 am
by Vincent Burel
to do that with MacroButtons, there is the = 1
but there is no = 0 or Command.hide = 1
i note it for next update...
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:48 pm
by brickviking
Something I forgot to mention: if you have "System Tray" set in each application, then a simple Alt-F4 will suffice to close the window, and no mouse movement needs to happen. It's a standard shortcut that most applications seem to understand. Hope this helps.
(Post 34)
Re: Feature request: toggle window state on tray icon click
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:20 pm
by Killy
Let's get back to my original post.
I have a mouse cursor on the tray icon.
We have an intuitive and well established behaviour for tools sitting in the tray, when click works like toggle "show - close".
I'd like to see this behaviour in Voicemeeter and Macro Buttons.
Click - show - click - hide.
That simple.
I'm not a keyboard guy. Alt+F4 is not any better than any other global hotkey - I can't easily bend my hand to reach it (it might depend on a keyboard design a little, though). And I don't really want to switch my attention. I don't like to do connected tasks in completely different ways.
These keyboard compromises won't work for me unfortunately.