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Sound from mic coming in with mic input muted

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:05 pm
by BSwishobne
I am using Potato and have a Presonus 44VSL audio interface I'm using on this Windows 10 machine. I have the voicemeeter setup as best as I can figure it out for teching on Skype. Recently something is failing while teaching lessons and I have to go through a series of restarting eveythin in the middle of a lesson to get it running again. While going through my setup yesterday. I noticed when I turned down the fader of the mic input that there is still sound coming in from the mic and only on the left side. I can't figure out how the sound is getting past the voicemeeter control to feed into the VAIO input with the fader turned all the way down. Could anyone who is experiecnced with the routing help me to find what is causing this?

Re: Sound from mic coming in with mic input muted

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:07 pm
by BSwishobne
Figured it out. Sound wasn't muted in the windows mixer from the input port that I was using for the mic on the 44VSL.