Voicemeeter information / quick start guide

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Vincent Burel
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Voicemeeter information / quick start guide

Post by Vincent Burel »

Voicemeeter is a virtual audio device Mixer application
Voicemeeter allows to route and mix several audio sources (coming from audio device or audio application) into several audio outputs (physical or virtual). Official Page: http://www.voicemeeter.com (download, user manual and video tutorial)

Voicemeeter Banana Package installs the 2 Voicemeeter Applications (Standard & Banana).
Voicemeeter Potato Package installs the 3 Voicemeeter Application (Standard, Banana & Potato).

F I R S T - I N S T A L L A T I O N
0- you might have administrator rights otherwise you may run the setup program in administrator mode.
1- Run the Setup program and push the button INSTALL.
2- If already installed, push the button REMOVE.
(Virtual Audio Device Driver needs this reboot to finalize uninstallation or installation)

Voicemeeter update is expected to keep your current settings (you can save it anyway before by the MENU -> SAVE function).
Voicemeeter Potato update is expected to keep your Challenge code and activation code.

0- Close applications that could use Voicemeeter Remote API (Touch portal, Elgato Steam Deck...).
1- Run the Setup program and push the button REMOVE.

Before re-installing you may check
- in Windows Device Manager that all voicemeeter virtual audio drivers are removed (from the game controller section and from the audio I/O section) - if still present you may uninstall them manually from there.
- in Windows Sound Dialog box Playback / Recording devices list: Voicemeete virtual device are surely not present anymore but you may check that possible VB-CABLE are still well installed with the right name and icon (more info: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=688 )

3- Run the Setup program and push the button INSTALL.

Then you may:
5- Check Windows audio parameters (default playback device, default recording device...)
6- Check softphone parameters (for example skype / Zoom / Discord audio device selection).
7- Run the wanted Voicemeeter version and reply to firewall authorization (if VBAN service is running).
8- possibly re-check some option in menu (System Tray, Run at Startup, Show App on Startup...).

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Vincent Burel
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Voicemeeter information: Command Line

Post by Vincent Burel »

Voicemeeter Command Line supports the following possible instructions:

Restart Audio Engine:
voicemeeter.exe -r or -R : to restart audio engine by a shortcut on desktop, practical when pluggin/unplug already selected USB headset...

Launch Voicemeeter with a specific config file:
–l”filename.xml” or -L”filename.xml”

If the xml is in the same directories of voicemeeter.exe
–l”filename.xml” or -L”filename.xml”

If the xml is in the same sub directories of voicemeeter.exe
–l”subfolder\filename.xml” or -L” subfolder\filename.xml”

Or use absolute patch
–l”c:\folder\filename.xml” or -L”c:\folder\filename.xml”
Vincent Burel
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Understanding Windows Audio System by using Voicemeeter

Post by Vincent Burel »

Voicemeeter simplifies audio management under Windows Operating System (from Windows XP) and allows many new audio experiences like the audio devices aggregation (the ability to mix several recording devices to several playback devices) or the applications interconnection (to connect any Audio or ASIO applications to VOIP or Broadcast or Capture Software). Voicemeeter brings a better control on audio quality and provides powerful DSP functions, like multi-channel full parametric EQ, or Compressor/Gate to improve microphone sound or any music coming from any player, but using Voicemeeter requires knowing the basis of Windows Audio System.
VoicemeeterBananaConnectionDiagram.jpg (228.87 KiB) Viewed 264010 times
What is Audio Point? From the Application point of view, Audio Playback Device is an output point to send audio signal (to speakers, or to virtual input). Audio recording Device is an input point to receive audio signal (from microphone or from virtual output). In other words, for an application, getting audio signal needs a recording device while sending audio signal needs a playback device.

What is Virtual I/O? Voicemeeter introduces the concept of virtual inputs and virtual output through a virtual audio driver attached to Voicemeeter itself. It gives to Voicemeeter the properties of a physical audio board. Then any application can use Voicemeeter playback device to send audio to its Virtual input or use Recording device to get signal from its Virtual output (BUS B).

What is Exclusive Mode? Best audio performances are given when using audio device in exclusive mode. This is what Voicemeeter does when selecting WDM (WASAPI) audio output devices (or KS). In this case, no other application might be able to use the same audio device, and then might need to be connected to Voicemeeter virtual input instead. Voicemeeter is intended to become you Central Audio Hub (as a mixing console does in real life). Note Voicemeeter uses WDM input device in share mode per default.
Using audio output device in exclusive mode can also mean to bypass Windows Mixer and Windows Volume Control (possibly including Keyboard Volume Control – that’s why Voicemeeter provides Keyboard Options to replace this system function – see menu - ).

What is Communication Options? When connecting VOIP application to Voicemeeter (e.g. Skype) the Windows Communication option can prevent to manage audio recording devices correctly. This option is in the Control Panel / Sound Dialog Box / Communication tab. When Skype get audio from Voicemeeter virtual output (or VB-CABLE), it can mute other recording device (including your microphone connected to Voicemeeter input #1) and then the caller does not hear you anymore, that’s why we recommend setting it to “DO NOTHGING”.
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What is Audio Device Conflict? Since Windows allows managing audio device with several interfaces (MME, WASAPI, KS, Direct-X), user needs to avoid audio device conflict: for example using the same recording device on input#1 and input#2 is possible with different interface (WDM on input #1, KS on input#2). Conflict can be possible also with output devices. Typically when using ASIO device on output A1, Using audio output or input device from the same audio device, by WDM, KS or MME can create conflict. That’s why it’s recommended to use ASIO patch to route ASIO inputs to Voicemeeter Physical Input Strips instead.

What is Listen Option? With Windows Vista, Microsoft gave the possibility to route recording audio device (e.g. your microphone) to an output device, typically for monitoring it. This option is located in the properties Dialog Box of each Recording device (Windows Control Panel / Sound Dialog Box / Recording Device) and can obviously create routing conflict and strange audio behavior if you forgot how this option is used on which recording device to what playback device...

What is Audio Board Options? As extra option, some audio board manufacturers can provide additional options, to manage input gain, output volume and audio format, special FX, additional routing functions…. These are usually located in a specific dialog box, often located in the system tray menu. This must be known by users to avoid again strange behaviors or routing conflicts.
M-AudioDeltaControlPanel.jpg (46.59 KiB) Viewed 264010 times
Vincent Burel
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Voicemeeter Quick Start

Post by Vincent Burel »

1- install Voicemeeter and REBOOT after.
2- Configure your default audio device in Windows Control Panel / Sound Dialog Box to set your default playback (and recording) device.
3- Launch Voicemeeter Application and select your main monitoring device as output A1 (your usual playback device).
4- then all PC sound will go through Voicemeeter, intented to replace Windows Audio Mixer and become your central audio hub.
VoicemeeterQuickStartGuide.jpg (182.62 KiB) Viewed 261248 times
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