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Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:08 am
by turd_rotisserie
REASON = A well known DAW
ExtS = Physical External Soundcard - there are two of them, #1 & #2
MULTITRACK = Multitrack Recorder DAW
Ch. = Channel
BORING DAW = just a different DAW


[NOTE: ExtS #1 is a general use device with 4 stereo I/O channels selectable by computer-->USB (ASIO), or by phono lead]
[NOTE: ExtS #2 Ch.3/4 is a sort of universal cue channel, it is listened to via one pair of physical headphones]

REASONs main output rack channels --> [using ASIO4ALL] --> MULTITRACK Instance #1 (1 MULTITRACK channel per Reason rack device) --> [using ASIO4ALL] --> ExtS #1 Ch.1/2

REASON's cue track --> [using ASIO4ALL] --> MULTITRACK Instance #1 --> [using ASIO4ALL] --> ExtS #2 Ch.3/4 --> Physical headphones

BORING DAW Instance #1 --> [using ASIO4ALL] --> MULTITRACK Instance #2 --> [using ASIO4ALL] --> ExtS #1 Ch.7/8

BORING DAW Instance #2 Main Out --> [using ExtS #2's own ASIO driver] --> ExtS #2 Ch.1/2 --> [using physical wire] --> ExtS #1 (can hear it by flipping USB / Phono switch, thus toggling between the Reason rack channels & BORING DAW Instance #2 Main Out)

BORING DAW Instance #2 Cue Channel --> [using ExtS #2's own ASIO driver] --> ExtS #2 Ch.3/4 --> Physical headphones

My problem:

This setup is very crashy & jittery when play is pressed in one DAW rather than another DAW.

I ABSOLUTELY NEED to hear audio from another DAW in ExtS #1 Ch.3/4 + Ch.5/6. This audio needs to come from ANOTHER DAW NOT MENTIONED HERE. This is the biggest problem for me - ExtS #1 is already in use (heavy use, at that) by MULTITRACK Instance #1 *and* Instance #2. Therefore l cannot use ASIO.

Can Voicemeeter help? If so, please could you give me a clear idea of how to proceed? Please could you explain like you are trying to teach a cat!

Also, if you need further clarification on something, please ask.

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:17 pm
by turd_rotisserie
Vincent, please help, if you need a diagram l can draw one. I really need a solution buddy. I've been working on this on and off for over a year, it's taken me that long to figure out it has no chance of working ... unless, maybe, your software can help?


Also please tell me how l can change my screen name.

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:12 am
by Vincent Burel
well, i would say fisrt that you usually do not need to use ASIO4ALL ...
your DAW can be connected to Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO driver as well...

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:28 pm
by turd_rotisserie
Right, so please can you show me how to do this with Voicemeeter. ASIO4ALL has failed me, l am looking to Voicemeeter now, not ASIO4ALL.

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:29 pm
by Vincent Burel
just select Voicemeeter ASIO device in your DAW Audio Settings.

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:01 pm
by turd_rotisserie
Hi, which version of Voicemeeter should l use? Banana? Audio Cable? Mixer?

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:39 pm
by turd_rotisserie
Vincent, if you take a look at the setup, you'll see that MULTITRACK Instance #1 uses 2 different external soundcard (ExtS #1 & ExtS #2).

I don't see any way around this other than an ASIO driver wrapper, but when l bring ASIO4ALL back into the equation, l'm in trouble all over again.

Please can you show me how to do this so that ExtS #1 Ch.3/4 + Ch.5/6 are left free for use by yet another DAW?

At present, l almost got the setup to work, but on ExtS #1, Ch. 1/2 ended up treated as 1 mono channel, with Ch. 3/4 as the other mono channel in a stereo pair. How that happened l have no idea.

I'll give you $20 if you can make this work with Voicemeeter.

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:48 pm
by turd_rotisserie
To the eerily silent multitude of people wanting to help me out with this:

This request is now on hold - l believe the problem may be ExtS #1, which is both a MIDI controller and a soundcard, and probably a dishonest soundcard at that - it says it can give me 4 audio i/o channels, when l suspect really it can only ever give me 2 stereo pairs simultaneously via ASIO.

I had planned for BORING DAW to use 2 stereo pairs itself, and my issue was l couldn't get those 2 channels to BORING DAW, because the setup prior to that had used everything that was available up.

There were still 2 stereo pairs remaining on ExtS #1, but as l suspect: those 2 stereo pairs aren't available if the other 2 pairs are already in use.

HOWEVER overeating can partly compensate for this impasse, soooo l'll go check the fridge now. Au revoir :)

Re: Can Voicemeeter Help with Complex Setup?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:06 am
by Vincent Burel
sorry but i don't understand your problem i guess... seems to be a problem of channel management on ASIO driver ?
just explain the minimal rational of your problem (less than 3 lines), and post a screen shot if needed.